
I have had a passion for woodworking all of my life. Over the years, I have created beautiful works of art for myself, friends, and family, but I have never ventured out into larger markets until now. I have been encouraged to turn my art into my profession. I would like to start building my clientele by promoting my work in larger, more lucrative settings. With this, a website has been created and I am exploring multiple avenues for exposure.

As a hobby I discovered Intarsia wood working and played with this technique of using different color pieces of wood inlay to create a larger picture. Over the years I have perfected this technique and made it my own. I have created a unique style of doing custom designs from pictures and using a 3D effect. My first attempt at doing a custom project without any set plans was with a picture of my own dog. Everyone loved the idea of having these wooden designs of the things they loved so I began doing these designs, first of peoples pets and then of motorcycles, vehicles, homes, etc. This has turned into a big hit and I have had requests to do a wide variety of different projects.

Featured on this site will be my 1 of a kind custom woodworking projects. I will be posting often different projects that have been done over the years from Intarsia to custom furniture pieces. Soon my new woodworking shop will be complete and more designs will come. If ever you need something done custom please don’t hesitate to ask.

Please also consider follow me on my Facebook page Visit Chris Mobley Facebook

— Chris Mobley – http://www.cmobleydesigns.com

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